Beginnings of the Scholarship

The Scholarship’s objective is to support the education and study of American history and culture by providing scholarships to talented individuals in commerce and industry, enabling them to visit the United States.
The original Trustees included various prominent individuals from Nottingham’s business, education, and civic sectors.
Scholarship History

Four pioneering individuals—John Adams, Denis Greensmith, Fred Riddell, and Dennis Goldsworth—were selected to tour North America, promoting goodwill while gathering invaluable career insights. Their journey, funded at £2,000, facilitated not only career development but also the fostering of friendships and goodwill.
Noteworthy moments included a weekend at Eleanor Roosevelt’s estate, reciprocated 15 years later when she warmly praised the scholarship during her visit to Nottingham. Marking the Silver Jubilee, Sir Andrew Buchanan expressed gratitude for the scholarship’s founders and highlighted the continued importance of providing opportunities for Nottingham’s youth, a sentiment echoed by current trustees in selecting scholars.
Through the years, the scholarship has evolved, adapting to changing times while remaining committed to enabling young men and women from Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to benefit from its invaluable opportunities.
The Roosevelt Club
Credit: Experience Nottingham