All donations are very gratefully received and being a charity are fully tax deductible. Various packages are available including speaking at in house events, advertising at scholarship events / newsletters and on the scholarship website.
We recognise and thank the following companies and organisations who currently support us financially
Nottingham City Business Club
Nottingham City Business Club have been closely partnered with the Scholarship since the scholarship was formed and we have enjoyed a long and mutually beneficial relationship. Returning scholars speak at one of the monthly luncheons and Eleanor and Haven Roosevelt have been guest speakers.
The aim of the Nottingham City Business Club is to provide a forum for senior business people who are interested in meeting potential business contacts and hearing the views of influential members of government, and the business sector in a social environment.

PKF Cooper Parry
PKF Cooper Parry are one of the East Midlands leading accountancy and audit firms offering all of your accounting needs. The Nottingham Roosevelt Travelling Scholarship ethos resonates well with PKF Cooper Parry who are one of the areas leading employers offering some fantastic fun benefits such as a pool table, x-box room and hammock all in the work place for staff to enjoy during downtime while developing their personal and professional careers through formal training with the aim of obtaining chartered status. PKF Cooper Parry has supported the scholarship by supplying sound financial advice that has helped the scholarship to thrive for more than 65 years.

Nottingham City Council
Nottingham City Council, as founder members, have supported the scholarship in various ways over the years

Nottingham County Council
Nottingham County Council, as founder members, have supported the scholarship in various ways over the years including hosting meetings and interviews
Hyde Park Club – Our Principle Sponsors
Hyde Park was FDR’s Hudson River home in the State of New York. At Hyde Park today you will find Springwood, the Roosevelt family home, the Presidential Library and the graves of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt.
Membership of the Hyde Park Club is reserved to those organisations that provide significant financial support to the Trust.
Warm Springs Club – Our Corporate Partners
Warm Springs, Georgia is famous for the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation and the Little White House, FDR’s private home where he died on 12 April 1945.
Membership of this club is open to any organisation that assists our work, through the donation of staff time, facilities and other services.