Franklin D Roosevelt
The Annual Award
The Nottingham Roosevelt Memorial Travelling Scholarship is awarded annually to young men and women aged between 21 and 35 working and/or living in the City or County of Nottingham and being primarily engaged in trade, commerce or the professions.
The Scholarship consists of a gift of money to enable the successful applicant to visit the United States of America for a period of between 6 weeks and three months.
No formal qualifications are necessary, the only requirements for this Scholarship are that the candidates:
- Be aged between 21 and 35 years (cut off date: 1st September)
- Live or work within Nottinghamshire
Beginnings of the Scholarship
Nottingham Legend – Robin Hood
Credit: Aaron Bee
The Trust was established on 5th November 1946 by the Lord Mayor of Nottingham, Francis Carney, after discussions with Dwight D Eisenhower on 20th October 1945. The objective was to recognise the great services rendered to the Nation by the late Franklin Delano Roosevelt as President of the United States of America during the Second World War and to perpetuate a local living tribute to his memory by founding the Scholarship.
The object of the Scholarship is to promote study and to obtain further education and in particular of the history and way of life of the American people by granting scholarships to young men and women of distinction and ability in commerce and industry to enable them to visit the United States of America.
The original Trustees were the Lord Mayor of Nottingham, the Chairman and Managing Director of Boots Pure Drug Company Limited, Governing Director of John Jardine Limited, Managing Director of George Spencer Limited, Managing Director of the Raleigh Cycle Company Limited, the President of the Miners’ Federated Union, Factory Manager of Ericsson Telephone Limited, the Chairman of the Nottingham Anglo-American Committee, His Majesty’s Divisional Inspector of the Ministry of Education, Manager of Westminster Bank Limited Thurland Street Nottingham, and several Justices of the Peace.
Your visit, and what to expect upon return
The Trustees expect the successful scholars to use their own initiative to fulfil the aims of the Nottingham Roosevelt Memorial Travelling Scholarship. Scholars will fly to New York and are encouraged to meet a member of the Roosevelt family.
Extensive travel throughout the USA is encouraged so that scholars can appreciate the climatic, social, cultural and geographic variations of the United States.
- You are encouraged to stay with American families. Whilst some hotel, YMCA or Youth Hostel accommodation is expected you should aim for at least 50% in a home environment.
- You should not expect or seek paid employment.
- This is not a ‘back pack’ student visit. You are expected to be presentable at all times and seek opportunities to promote the scholarship through personal contact and meetings, at schools, clubs, newspapers and radio and television appearances.
- You are expected to investigate some aspects linked to your work, which may be of value to you upon your return to Nottinghamshire.
- You will be a travelling scholar and expected to spend not more than 2 weeks in any one location on a 3 month trip, usually a lot less. The usual tourist ‘haunts’ will only form part of you visit.
- At regular intervals during your stay, you will be expected to communicate with the secretary or your mentor. This should demonstrate the experiences and impressions you have encountered. Different forms of social media are encouraged.
- Upon your return it will be your duty to speak to the secretary who will give details of speaking engagement to fulfil. In addition, you will arrange similar engagements and give details to the scholarship secretary.
- On completion of your travels you immediately join the prestigious club of past scholars “The Roosevelt Club” and attend the club celebration each year. Past scholars are expected to be most active in the years immediately after their return.
- The board of trustees included some past scholars along with key business people of Nottinghamshire.
The Roosevelt Club
An indication of the lasting debt of gratitude of past scholars is provided by the Roosevelt Club. Composed entirely of Scholars, they have, through the Club, devoted considerable time and effort to the perpetuation of the original idea of the Scholarship through regular donations, fund raising and helping in any way they can. Mentoring past, present and future Scholars are also high on their list of priorities.
The Scholarship has a number of policies it adheres to in order to ensure Good Governance. These are available here