Sustainability Event


Our 2019 scholars, Henry (who has recently joined a local innovative battery storage startup, Cheesecake Energy) and Sam (who is now a civil servant working on UK net zero public engagement), have set up a sustainability subgroup to bring together Roosevelt alumni with an interest in the topic.

The idea came about after Herbert, a 1972 scholar who is aiming to make his village net zero, got in touch with Sam following our stunning Thanksgiving event in November. After a fantastic kick-off meeting with around a dozen interested alumni, the subgroup decided to run quarterly talks open to the public with different sustainability themes (ideas included climate and space, climate and heritage etc). The USP is that each talk will have both a UK and a US speaker.

It was agreed that the first event should be an introduction to sustainability to make the topic and group accessible to all, and also to celebrate the momentous time in history for climate on various levels, with Nottingham’s leading 2028 goal, the UK set to host the UN’s COP 26 Climate Change Conference and the US’ $2 trillion climate plan.

The event will be held on Zoom and has been scheduled for Wednesday 21st April at 7pm. We’re very excited to announce that Lilian Greenwood, MP for South Nottingham, will be our UK speaker, whilst insights on the Biden Administration’s climate plans will be provided by Darryl Young.

All alumni and members of the public are very welcome to attend. To register for the event please use the following link: .